Flower Sonata Hand Tie Bouquet


Elevate your floral gifting with our exquisite solid color 1/5 dozen roses bouquet, designed to bring a touch of elegance to any occasion. Each bouquet features vibrant, carefully selected roses, hand-tied to create a stunning visual impact.


  • Color Options: Choose from a variety of rich hues, each conveying its own message of affection and admiration.

  • Hand-Tied Design: Our artisans skillfully arrange the roses using a traditional hand-tied technique, ensuring a beautifully natural look.

  • Versatile Presentation: While our bouquet does not include a vase, it arrives ready to impress. It can easily be paired with your choice of container to complement your decor.

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Elevate your floral gifting with our exquisite solid color 1/5 dozen roses bouquet, designed to bring a touch of elegance to any occasion. Each bouquet features vibrant, carefully selected roses, hand-tied to create a stunning visual impact.


  • Color Options: Choose from a variety of rich hues, each conveying its own message of affection and admiration.

  • Hand-Tied Design: Our artisans skillfully arrange the roses using a traditional hand-tied technique, ensuring a beautifully natural look.

  • Versatile Presentation: While our bouquet does not include a vase, it arrives ready to impress. It can easily be paired with your choice of container to complement your decor.

Elevate your floral gifting with our exquisite solid color 1/5 dozen roses bouquet, designed to bring a touch of elegance to any occasion. Each bouquet features vibrant, carefully selected roses, hand-tied to create a stunning visual impact.


  • Color Options: Choose from a variety of rich hues, each conveying its own message of affection and admiration.

  • Hand-Tied Design: Our artisans skillfully arrange the roses using a traditional hand-tied technique, ensuring a beautifully natural look.

  • Versatile Presentation: While our bouquet does not include a vase, it arrives ready to impress. It can easily be paired with your choice of container to complement your decor.

2 Dozen Solid Color Roses In Vase
from $170.00
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Ms. Pink
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