1 Dozen Roses Bouquet
Introducing the French Opened Stunning 1 Dozen Hand Wrapped Bouquet, an exquisite arrangement designed to delight the senses. Bursting with vibrant colors of your choice, this bouquet brings an air of elegance and creativity to any occasion. Each flower is carefully selected and hand-wrapped with attention to detail, ensuring that your gift stands out with its unique charm.
(Note: This bouquet does not include a vase, allowing you to select the perfect container that complements your floral masterpiece.)
Introducing the French Opened Stunning 1 Dozen Hand Wrapped Bouquet, an exquisite arrangement designed to delight the senses. Bursting with vibrant colors of your choice, this bouquet brings an air of elegance and creativity to any occasion. Each flower is carefully selected and hand-wrapped with attention to detail, ensuring that your gift stands out with its unique charm.
(Note: This bouquet does not include a vase, allowing you to select the perfect container that complements your floral masterpiece.)

Introducing the French Opened Stunning 1 Dozen Hand Wrapped Bouquet, an exquisite arrangement designed to delight the senses. Bursting with vibrant colors of your choice, this bouquet brings an air of elegance and creativity to any occasion. Each flower is carefully selected and hand-wrapped with attention to detail, ensuring that your gift stands out with its unique charm.
(Note: This bouquet does not include a vase, allowing you to select the perfect container that complements your floral masterpiece.)